
Information and counselling sessions for Migrants in vulnerable conditions - Iraq

As an essential part of the principles of Assistance Voluntary Return and Reintegration Program (AVRR), it is imperative to provide updated and detailed information to the migrants, and ensure that they are equipped to make informed decisions.

In June 2023, IOM Norway organized and conducted a series of training and information sessions for the staff at various Reception Centers (Mottak), as well as information and counselling sessions for Iraqi asylum seekers and their partners. These sessions were led by the staff of IOM Iraq, on a work mission in Norway.

Throughout the visits, IOM also met with irregular migrants  from Iraq in conditions of vulnerability. They were provided with information regarding return and reintegration in Iraq and the services and support necessary for rebuilding their life in Iraq after spending much time outside the country.
Additionally, IOM reached out to members of the diaspora with information about Assistance for Voluntary Return and the services available for Reintegration.


The Key Objectives of the IOM-led AVRR Program is to: 

(a) facilitate safe and dignified return for migrants wishing to return to their home countries; and 
(b) to support the reintegration process that is determined to help the returnee/s rebuild their lives in their country of origin. 

Learn more on how IOM can assist you here

In Iraq, IOM post-arrival assistance consists of: 

-    Reception assistance upon arrival at the airport, 
-    Onward transportation to final destination, 
-    Counselling and socio-economic orientation sessions, 
-    Cash assistance, 
-    In kind assistance, among others.

Facilitating your way back home

IOM Norway is pleased to learn of the reintegration of an Iraqi national, who after living in Norway for a period of time, returned home and has successfully reintegrated in his community of origin with the support of IOM. His reintegration was made possible by IOM’s logistic assistance which facilitates a safe and humane journey home, counselling, guidance and follow up in setting up a business plan that enabled him to utilize his preexisting skills and knowledge to establish a business in supplying Air Conditioning equipment and supplies.

SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals